Jewish Life

The Jewish future… in 18 words or less 

Greater Hartford’s Aim Chai Community Endowment Campaign is sponsoring its first Chai-ku contest for K-12 students to express what the Jewish community means to them. Winning entries will be featured at the Chai-Ku Slam in March 2015. To enter: 
Write a Chai-Ku – a poem of 18 words or less – that sums up your hopes for the future and for the future of the Jewish community. Entry is open to all students in grades K-12. Submit your Chai-ku using the online form at no later than Nov. 21, 2014.

A panel of local judges will review all Chai-Ku submissions and determine the winners of 1st and 2nd prizes as well as honorable mentions in each of three categories: K through 3rd grade; 4th through 8th grade; and 9th through 12th grade. Winners will be announced in December, with special ceremonies at participating schools and classrooms.

Stay tuned for the Chai-Ku contests for rabbis, community leaders and more throughout the year.

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